Substance Abuse and the Tipping Point Of Addiction

I’m often asked by health care professionals how I was able to transition my substance abuse to the highest quality of life. At the age of twenty seven I was involved in a train accident that would forever change my life. The result would be the loss of both legs. This accident alone could have led to a lifetime of addiction and substance abuse.
Here are just a few things that brought me to the tipping point of my addiction and how I was able to transition my way of thinking to come out alive…

  • I realized that I was spending all my time in the doctor’s office waiting for my prescriptions
  • I recognized that I was arriving at the pharmacy at all hours of the night and I would often show up to the pharmacy before the pharmacists did anxiously awaiting my medicine
  • I realized that I was constantly making excuses to go and buy drugs or fulfill my temptation to use in isolation.
  • I had no control of my physical wellness… it was being controlled by the narcotics
  • I was clearly on a path to self-destruction and realized that if I continued this behavior I would find myself in jail for buying and distributing narcotics.
  • I recognized that I was over medicating in the office workplace and that my performance was being effected by my drug abuse. I found myself nodding off at my desk and struggling to paying attention to detail.
  • I saw the sadness in my loved ones eyes when we were at family and social functions. They didn’t know how to help me manage my pain and were often disappointed when they saw me.
  • I was constantly borrowing money from friends and family to support my substance abuse. I made good money yet I was always broke asking to borrow money for gas and food.
  • In 2010 I lost my best friend to narcotics, it was a realization that I was playing a fine line between life and death and it was ultimately the tipping point of my addiction.

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It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom and was about to lose my own life that I was able to transition my way of thinking. I knew that if I continued these patterns that I would not be alive to share how I came through this unique experience. I started using tools to help me effectively implement change into my life then I started creating patches to reprogram my thought processes.

I discovered that human beings have a mental “Reset Button” and that we are able to reset our minds and body very similar to the electronics that we use. This technique is achieved by finding a powerful setting to release any negative thought patterns and creating positive affirmations as a new patch. When you tap into this unique ability, you are able to clear yourself from the mental clutter that is initiating doubt and fear.

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To learn about the Reset Button and how it helped Lou overcome his addictions… Visit Lou’s website at or contact Lou directly for your copy of Lou’s Laminated Guide to Finding Your Reset Button.

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